Additional modules

List of modules

Next to the main module, dedicated to the overall verification of the structure, the following optional modules are available that complete the program. This allows the purchase of only the parts that are really needed, optimizing costs, while still remaining able to integrate 3Muri at any time. The additional modules available for the 3muri software are:

Local mechanisms

In the event that the box-like behavior is not guaranteed due to lack of connections between floors and walls, the verification of the local mechanisms is required, i.e. the control of the possible detachment of walls outside their plane.

The Local Mechanisms module allows this verification starting from the model used for the global verification carried out with the main module.
Once the model with the geometric data, the loads and the constraints is completed, the program has all the elements necessary to carry out the local checks, leaving the designer with the sole task of indicating the areas concerned.

Sensitivity analysis

The calculation of existing masonry structures is particularly complex due to the uncertainties of the entities involved, such as the stiffness of the elements, the resistances, the geometries.

The problem is to quantify this uncertainty, which although impossible to evaluate in absolute terms, is measurable in relative terms, that is, through the weight of each individual variable with respect to the others.
For example, if the collapse is caused by the low stiffness of the floors, it is useless to carry out in-depth investigations on the masonry, after having verified that its incidence is not very significant.

The sensitivity analysis aims at a better understanding of structural behavior by identifying the parameters that most affect the calculation, allowing you to focus attention on these data.

The advantages for the designer are the identification of the most probable causes that determine the collapse mechanisms of the structure, more reliable results, targeted investigations and interventions on the really significant parts, reduction of investigation costs and interventions for adjustment or improvement. The first step of the sensitivity analysis is the identification of groups of parameters that you want to analyze.

Each group of parameters relates to a structural feature (for example vaults, floors, concrete, steel), and is made up of a set of data that can vary within a given range.

Subsequently, numerous non-linear analyzes are performed automatically, which highlight the importance of the individual structural characteristics in the overall behavior of the building. A final statistical treatment allows to obtain values ​​that have the maximum probability of being reliable.


Upon completion of the checks of the structures in elevation, 3Muri allows the verification of the foundation structures by examining the distribution of stresses on the ground. The Foundations module also allows the examination of the bearing capacity and settlements of continuous foundations, the design of foundation plinths in reinforced concrete.

For more complex analyzes, in the case of retaining walls, bulkheads and piling, it is possible to automatically create a model to be analyzed with Axis VM, exploiting all the potential of linear and non-linear finite element calculation.

Load analysis

The module dedicated to the analysis of loads, which allows the calculation of the loads of floors, wind and snow.

The module allows to evaluate the own weight and the variable loads acting on a slab, to calculate the load due to the wind thrust and the load due to the weight of the snow, according to the Technical Standards for Construction NTC 2018 and its application Circular.

Load analysis can be used as an integrated module in 3Muri, or as an independent software of the 3Muri IL suite, which can be used in stand alone mode.

Check hoops

The module dedicated to masonry reinforcements, which allows you to check steel lintels, masonry platbands, reinforced concrete hoops. and steel.

The module allows the verification of a steel lintel in bending and deformation against the stresses induced by the weight of the masonry and a possible overlying slab and the verification of a masonry flange, a structure frequently built on the compartments of the walls of masonry buildings, with behavior arched.
It also allows the design and verification of reinforced concrete hoops. and steel of the openings in masonry walls, with reference to what is indicated in the NTC 2018 Application Circular.

Verification of circles can be used as an integrated module in 3Muri, or as an independent software of the 3Muri IL suite, which can be used in stand alone mode.

Multithreading and sparse matrix solver

The multithreading and sparse matrix module allows you to use two different calculation settings regarding the processor: the selection of the calculation method with dense matrices or sparse matrices and the multiprocessor.

Performing operations using the sparse matrix calculation method can lead, thanks to the compressibility of the sparse data, to significantly lower memory usage and reduced computation time.
The multithreading module allows to direct each analysis on a different PC processor, with a considerable saving in terms of time.

IFC module

The IFC module allows importing and exporting in IFC format, to allow interoperability between different designers.

IFC import
3Muri allows interoperability with the BIM methodology through the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format, whose specifications are based on a neutral data format specifically designed to describe, exchange and share project information.
3Muri provides for the import of geometries from IFC models thanks to the BIM Inside application, included in the module. In this way the geometries of the objects can be used for the construction of the model.

IFC export
At the end of the modeling it is possible to directly export the entire model in IFC format.

This file contains the structural objects defined in the model that can be read by other software such as Revit®, Allplan®, Archicad®.